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Paragliding course: hiking and paragliding

This course is for people who already have a little paragliding experience (about twenty flights), but who dream of practicing flight trekking. Thanks to the progress of the equipment, it is now possible to make flights with a bag approaching 4 kg.
We will approach in this training course the specificities of this practice: takeoff, landing but also the adaptation to the material which differs from the standard material.
The massif of Bornes and Aravis offers us a myriad of takeoffs of all levels.

A short return to the school slope will be necessary: on the one hand to adapt to the light equipment whose characteristics greatly facilitate takeoff, and on the other hand to consolidate the bases necessary for mountain takeoffs.
Depending on the weather and the shape of each person, the choice will be made among the many take-offs offered by the massif.
From 300m of altitude difference for a small splash to more than 1000m, immersion in nature is the key word here.
Course supervised by paragliding instructors and an AMM.
Emergency parachute is compulsory.