< Return

L'Abbaye n°14

From the village square, go up the alley in front of the Tourist Office and cross the RD909. Continue towards the Abbey then climb to the Chapelle des Nants. After the Chapel, go up towards the RD132, cross it carefully and continue the route uphill towards Les Puginières. Des Puginières, descend to the village via the Pont Noir and the Chapelle des Nants.

ALTERNATIVE: L'Oratoire des Clapières: From the Chapelle des Nants, go up towards the RD 132, cross it carefully and continue the route uphill on the right to join the Chemin du Fardellet. Arrived on this path, turn left towards Pétaz. From this crossroads, turn right towards the Bois de Fouestarle then turn left to cross the field and reach the Oratoire des Clapières. The return to the village of La Giettaz takes the same route to Pétaz. From this crossroads, descend by the Puginières, the Pont Noir and the Chapelle des Nants (duration: 1h45; distance: 4.1 km).

The Oratoire des Clapières is the oldest oratory in Val d'Arly. During the revolution, it was hidden under a heap of wood and branches in order to escape the order of destruction of the small oratories. Note that "Clapières" designates stony ground, which manifests itself in the construction material of the oratory.