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European Heritage Days


9.30am - 12pm: Guided tour of the Palais de la Mine in Pont Baudin
Site of the lead and silver mines (17th - 19th centuries) and the École Française des Mines (1802 - 1814). Discover the remains of the industrial installations (forge, washing plant, foundry, etc.), visit a gallery, etc. With a Pays Savoie Mont Blanc Heritage guide.

RDV at the Palais de la Mine

Registration required on 06 14 94 49 76.

Please note: bring non-slip shoes, warm clothing, a torch and an umbrella in case of bad weather. Mask recommended in the gallery.

2.30pm - 5pm: Guided tour "Baroque in all its senses" in Peisey-Nancroix
Awaken all your senses and discover the wealth of Baroque decorations in the churches of Peisey and Landry. Guided tour by a guide from the Pays d'art et d'histoire des Hautes vallées de Savoie - Fondation Facim.

RDV in front of Peisey-Nancroix church (main town).

No registration required.

Free visit of the Ballastière site from 11am to 7pm


Awaiting programme


Free visit of the chapels of Peisey-Vallandry (9am - 5pm), the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame des Vernettes (9am - 5pm), the church of Landry & Peisey-Nancroix (3.30pm - 5.30pm) & the mine palace at Nancroix.

Free visit to the "fruitière" museum from 3pm to 6pm.