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Guided tour "In the fold of the syncline" - Florian de la Salle

Conceived in situ, the installation Dans le pli du synclinal features huge blotting papers dyed using a technique borrowed from chemistry, chromatography. The artist provokes a sense of wonder by scientifically experimenting with colour and its various reactions to contact with matter, and by playing with the monumental dimension of the site, the work it presents and the landscape outside. Suspended in spirals, these papers create spaces of circulation that modify the perception of the place, amplified by the play of light throughout the day. The title of the exhibition evokes the geological formations that can be seen around Pile Pont. Florian de la Salle has created a new layer of colour in the Saint-Gervais landscape, one that is no stranger to chance. The visitor, enveloped in colour and sound, also discovers objects related to the artist's practice. Playing with this atypical site and the surrounding landscape, Florian invites the viewer to enjoy an immersive experience of colour in this concrete setting.

Emma LEGRAND, exhibition curator

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)