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Educational visits to the Valromey Observatory

The Lèbe Observatory is a site for the popularization of the Earth and Universe Sciences specialized in astronomy.
A tool for exploration and experimentation, it offers content adapted to the different learning cycles of students in connection with school programs.

You will find animations and educational workshops, simulations, immersive projections, nature trail... A whole range of educational activities to learn while having fun and enrich your school outing.

Specialized in astronomy, the instructors offer content adapted to the different learning cycles of students in connection with the school curriculum: earth-moon-sun movements (rotation of the earth on itself and day/night alternation, revolution of the earth around the sun and cycle of seasons, eclipses, moon phases ...), place of the earth in the solar system, planetarium sessions, concept of light and shadow, water cycle and cloud formation ...
Through workshops, thematic visits, day and night observations, the scientific animators use a variety of approaches: demonstration (models), experimental (rockets, energy), realization (constructions), imaginary (mythology, planetarium).

Since its opening in 2000, the Lèbe Observatory has welcomed several tens of thousands of visitors, including nearly 40,000 schoolchildren.

At the Observatoire de la Lèbe you will find :
> a smiling welcome in a privileged natural setting
> seriousness and flexibility in the organization of your reservation
> a coach parking lot
> a shaded picnic area
> a room out of the bag in case of bad weather
> access to sanitation and drinking water

The Observatoire de la Lèbe has the approval of the departmental directorate of youth and sports as well as that of the academic inspection of the Ain and is listed in the departmental directory of centers that can accommodate classes on school outings.
Aware of the cumbersome nature of organizing a school outing, the animators can also travel to your school to meet with you and help you plan your trip.