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Yin Yoga - Healing sound

The aim of yin yoga is to enable you to sit longer and more comfortably during meditation, and offers other benefits. This grounded style of yoga allows you to take your time with each posture, mostly sitting or lying on your mat, holding the postures for long periods (usually 3-5 minutes).
In addition to the physical aspect of the practice, yin yoga allows you to take the time to focus on the present moment and your sensations. It's a sporting interlude that frees you from the stress and anxiety of everyday life.

This activity is brought to you by Isabelle COUDRAY and Sunil KUMAR.
Isabelle and Sunil are happy to share traditional Indian yoga. A yoga that is often practised off the mat.
From the lineage of the Brahmins, Sunil naturally teaches us this spiritual knowledge handed down over thousands of years.
Isabelle and Sunil invite you to vibrate to the sound of mantras, and to encounter the Divine within yourself.