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France Greeters®

Greeters® ? What is this ?
Born in 1992 in New York, this movement has become a worldwide network recognized under the name “International Greeter Association” or IGA. Today, however, it is in France that there is the largest number of Greeters organizations, now united under a national federation.

The France Greeters Federation is an active network. In 2019, there were 1600 volunteers spread over 60 organizations (associations, Tourist Offices, CDT, ADT...). These welcomed 12,000 visitors during the year during 5,200 walks. A network that continues to grow rapidly.

Meeting a Greeter is the promise of a memorable experience, with a loving, passionate volunteer and ambassador of their city or region. Greeters enjoy welcoming visitors as they would welcoming friends or relatives. They offer their time to discover the places they love, tell their story, their neighborhood or village and share their way of experiencing their everyday life.

Do not be mistaken, Greeters are not professional guides ! The places you will cross are only a pretext to meet, and a way to better understand how the local inhabitants live. Come alone or in a group of up to six people for a walk or just enjoy a chat over a drink.

If you believe that travel can be a vector of peace and better understanding between people, meeting a Greeter is for you ! Our community share the idea that travelling should be an opportunity for a real exchange between populations and visitors and that this should not be exclusively an act of consumption. Do not look for a price, meeting a Greeter is 100% free (yes, for real !).