< Return

Le Clos aux chèvres

Farm shop open (openings below)
Market stands at Bellevaux (Monday).

SHEPHARD TRAINING: during summer season: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 16h to 18h
Accompany the shephard and go look for the goats, discover the agriculture in the mountain whilst having a lovely walk in fresh air. Taste some delicious local products on your return.
Booking is mandatory.
Price: 14€ / pers – free for under 6yrs
A parent must be present

Have an amazing meal prepared by a professional chef created with fresh products from the farm and local partners.
At 19h30, 35€/adult and 20€ for under -12yrs.
Reservation mandatory
Summer: every Friday
Winter: 4 Wednesday of February holidays

GOOD IDEA: make a diversion to the cuddle bar too!