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Hike: Le Tour des Fiz

Rich by the diversity of the sites that it crosses: the nature reserves of Passy and Sixt, the Platé Desert, the waterfalls and the lakes of altitude... with always the Mont-Blanc in the background, the Tour des Fiz offers a multitude of circuits to compose by yourself:
- Taste hikes: the 8 refuges offer you the chance to discover and taste the original flavours of the alpine pastures and elsewhere… At every stop, a new menu awaits you!
- To be shared with your family: several refuges offer a special "junior" reception, a dedicated space with coloring books, games and a resting area. The children will be given the alp notebook made up of cards to discover and understand the life of the alpages they will cross.
- The sports version: from the Grenairon refuge, climb the Buet, the ladies' Mont-Blanc at 3099 m, a technical circuit reserved for experienced hikers.

In some shelters, you find a library : start a novel one night and you resume it the next day at the next stop.

The Passy nature reserve is a protected and regulated area. Dogs, even on a leash, are prohibited, as well as motor vehicle traffic, lights and overflight, especially drones. The bivouac is tolerated from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.