< Return

La Croix des 7 frères

From Grangettes to Tronchets: 1h05
From the parking Grangettes, walk toward les Tronchets (about an hour). At the junction of "La Lanche d'en haut", take "La Croix des Sept Frères par les Tronchets (0h35)" on your right.

From les Tronchets to La Croix des Sept Frères: 25 minutes
Enjoy the panorama over the Arve and Giffre Valleys. For the restaurant, keep going for 10 minutes.

From la Croix des Sept frères to les Grangettes: 50 min
Go back on your tracks.

Other option
You may take the gondola lift of la Kédeusaz. Then, follow the direction of Cupoire and la Croix des Sept Frères. Go down by Les Tronchets to arrive at the parking of Les Grangettes.