< Return

Bisanne tour by Croix de Coste

Departure from the "sous Bisanne" car park, on the Mont Bisanne road from the D123 (Villard - Les Saisies).
The recommended route starts with a descent towards Les Pachons, then a crossing above the Bisanne 1500 resort by Le Planay; then, by the forest track, you join the Croix de Coste path on the left. From there, we head east again and follow the wooded ridge to the Lata du Vaz; then it's the crossing under Bisanne, on the Saisies side, to the departure car park.

Before setting off on any hike, walk or activity in the open air, make sure you are aware of the rules of safety and good conduct!

Useful information and contacts
European emergency number: 112
Météo France: 0 892 68 02 73