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Children playground "Louparc"

* A pump track ... for thrills! (from 3 years).
210m long, this asphalt track offers a series of turns, hollows, bumps rolled up or jumped in multiple combinations, the idea is to play with the terrain to never pedal!
Special feature of this pump track: it has two circuits. A red 110m periphery for the more experienced and a blue 100m internally for those who wish to learn to practice and discover the sensations. These two circuits have connections between them to create new variants, and the icing on the cake, the profile can test the circuits in both directions.
Initially dedicated to BMX the pumptrack is accessible by mountain bike, scooter and rollerblading.

* A city stadium (from 6 years old): with football field, basketball court, skate park, athletics track.
* Skatepark (from 8 years old): with football field, basketball court, skate park, athletics track.
* A playground (from 5 years old): with toboggan, monkey bridge, net, ladder, hut
* An acrobatic course with obstacles, ropes, jumps ... (from 9 years old).
* A agility module (from 12 years old)
* A relaxation area with picnic tables.