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GR®5 « Grande Traversée des Alpes »

Cross the entire French Alps in about forty stages.

To be covered in sections or in one go, over one summer or ten years, walking, running or strolling according to your desires. On the route of the GR®5, the mythical "Grande Traversée des Alpes" invites you to hike on the alpine part of one of the most fabulous hiking itineraries in the world!

Starting to walk on the shores of Lake Geneva and ending, some 620 km later (3 to 4 weeks of walking), on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea... There is no doubt that the Grande Traversée des Alpes is an unforgettable hike!

Throughout the stages, you will discover the incredible biodiversity of the Alps and the variety of landscapes: from the green shores of Lake Geneva to the snow-covered peaks of the Grandes Alpes, from the Savoyard mountain pastures to the high-perched villages of the Alpes-Maritimes, from the high altitude deserts to the Mediterranean coast.

During your hike, you will cross three parks - Vanoise, Queyras and Mercantour - and many nature reserves. You will be able to observe the variety of the fauna and flora of the mountains and appreciate the natural wealth of the Alps at the rhythm of your steps.

From refuge to stopover gîte, along the 620 km of marked trails, a hundred or so accommodations referenced by the "Grande Traversée des Alpes" association welcome you. They guarantee lodging, food and the information necessary for the good progress of your itinerary.

Discover the stages in detail for each major part of the itinerary, with a lot of information at your disposal to prepare your crossing, according to your desires, the time you have and the sectors you wish to discover!