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La Pierre aux Lièvres

As wayward grasshoppers tickle your calves, you can already hear the distant
whistle of the marmots, keeping a watchful eye on you. The gentle breeze
sweeps through the soft grass, silky as an angel's hair.
When spring breaks into summer, you look on delightedly as the bold young
lambs take their first tentative leaps. They seem to be showing you the way
to a rock that looks like it fell from the sky a long, long time ago!
You're off to meet four hares who took it upon themselves to carry a rock
on their backs and then throw it at the church bell tower! Frozen to the spot
and crushed by their enormous burden, what could have happened to them?
Can you find them by slipping under the rock?
Or, if you prefer to stay on the safe side, you can read a fascinating legend
that's stood the test of time. After satisying your curiosity, take a few deep
lungfuls of fresh air as you sit down to enjoy a delicious meal.