< Return

The Col du Jaillet

DEPARTURE: The Plan - Parking on the left after the chapel.

ROUTE: From the Plan, take the road briefly, go through LA CRÉPINIERE to join the PONT DU MOULIN. At the intersection of the ILES, turn left towards PLANET to join the TOURBIERE DU JAILLET (mountain trail with many roots). From there, a short round trip to the COL DU JAILLET can admire the Mont Blanc massif.
Go down to AU PLAN by LE CHAR, the ALPAGE of RAMADIEU and the CRÉPINIERE: beautiful points of view on the valley in the middle of the mountain pastures.

- The panoramic view of the Mont Blanc massif.
- Characteristic landscapes of the territory: undergrowth, spruces and small alpine farms.
- Passing through the Jaillet Pass you can admire one of the only traces left by the Romans and discovered in 1963, a Roman milestone (dating between 125 and 14 BC) marked "FINES" (Latin border).