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By way of Polset

For days, you've had a particular word echoing in your ears: GR®5! Even if you never planned it, you can walk in the footsteps of the long-distance hikers who journey through the Haute Maurienne Vanoise every year. You've carefully packed your rucksack and you're ready to tackle the uninterrupted ascent from Loutraz: off you go on a journey through Vallon de Polset. If you make a detour to the right from Pierre Brune, you'll find a warm welcome at Orgère refuge. Take your time on this wooded trail, enjoying every step of the way. Under majestic Scots pines and lodgepole pines, whose cones crackle under the sun, the trail will occasionally surprise you with its gentle inclines. Look, a squirrel! And a crossbill over there! If you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of a few deer and ibex. But shh! let them come to you by surprise… This pleasant hike of one or two stages is the perfect getaway.