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The four passes and the Linleu

On the heights of La Chapelle d'Abondance, on its southern side, from the Sevan car park, you will take the direction of the Recon pass, then the Conche or Braitaz pass.
All along the circuit, a magnificent view of the Mont-Blanc and the Vaud Alps are waitinf for you.

Below the Aiguillettes restaurant (open in summer), you take a path that leads you to the Outanne pass. After a crossing on the side of the mountain pasture, the path arrives at the Sevan pass. The panorama is superb: below, the lake and the chalets of Arvouin and, in the background, the Cornettes de Bise and the valley of Abondance.

The natural environment of this itinerary is exceptional, especially its flora.
Numerous species of gentians, orchids and arnica adorn the mountain with vived and changing colours.

For the more experienced, you can climb to the top of Mount Lenla (2,093m), a 40 minutes walk, before taking a path to the Sevan car park.

A nice loop to discover with superb views of the French and Swiss sides.