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Trail des herbiers

Do you know the Charmaix torrent?
Very persistent, it springs from an altitude of 2,500 metres and flows straight
from the Sainte-Marguerite lakes to near the Thabor refuge, sometimes
as a stream, sometimes as a torrent. It seems to take pleasure in rushing
down, eroding, carrying everything in its path, as it goes through the Losa
and Lavoir dams all the way to the alpine hamlet of Herbiers to refresh you
– even reaching the Tavernes lodge!
There's no doubt about it, you're at one of greatest historical sites of
hydroelectricity in Haute Maurienne Vanoise…
And if luck, along the torrent, is with you, you might see a few trout lurking
about the stream. Open your eyes and... be patient! These shy creatures like
hide among the stones on the riverbed.