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Trail du col d'Arrondaz - Hameau du Jeu

The moment you come out of the Arrondaz cable car, you feel the call of the peaks. A little exercise on foot to explore this rocky world takes you far from the chairlifts. Marmots, vultures, and black grouse sometimes join in the game, scrambling down their favourite scree slopes to shyly accompany you. If it weren't for the little Col chairlift, you'd think you were a million miles from human activity. You're sharing the mountainside with herds of alpine animals, gracefully making their way across the slopes as you watch, fascinated. When you stop to cool off at Pas du Roc, you'll catch a glimpse of the fortress perched on the cliffside. Here, the Maginot line left an indelible mark during World War II. As you head back down, your mind is full of unforgettable images, already treasured memories of this little-known nature reserve. Look, there's Le Lavoir cheese dairy. Such a welcoming place... Fancy getting to know it better? Mark it down for your next trip (volume 1).