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Theatre: Silence, ou je fais évacuer la salle

It had to happen one day and here it is!
Le Grand Bornand must be held to account!
"What are we accusing my client of?" asked the defence lawyer awkwardly, quite overwhelmed by what was at stake... Well, anything and everything! All the issues, all the controversies, all the legitimate questions that are part of everyday life in our village will be put through the satirical mill in this parody of justice. But in the end, it's the sovereign people who will have to give their verdict. Our role is limited to presenting the facts and nothing but the facts, objectively (not really!), in good faith (don't count on it!) and without any ulterior motive (you bet!). It's not up to us to decide whether Le Grand Bornand is guilty or not guilty. We'll leave that responsibility to 12 jurors drawn at random from among the volunteer spectators who sign up before the show.

Written by Thierry Guillemin (l'audio du village) and Alexis Clément (le remède à tous vos mots), this first show by the new Bornand troupe 'The Rebloch' Connection' is a thinly veiled tribute to their illustrious predecessors in legal farce, Claude Villers, Pierre Desproges and Luis Rego, who made France Inter listeners laugh in the 80s with Le Tribunal des Flagrants Délires.

Starring :
Alexis Clément, Nadine Ballanger, Arthur Bednazackovickosmykovitche, Jessica Girerd, Emmanuel Paret, Alain Ballanger, Anaïs Davied, Pascal Marit, Marco Martignoni, Michel Blochet.

Script and dialogue: Thierry Guillemin & Alexis Clément
Artistic and technical direction: Thierry Guillemin
Lighting design: Denis Bonnier