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Church Notre-Dame-de-Toute-Grâce : summer tours with CASA volunteer guides

Guided tour on request directly on site, without reservation.

Located on the Plateau d'Assy, opposite Mont Blanc, the parish church of Notre-Dame-de-Toute-Grâce is a concentrate of contemporary sacred art. Built during the Second World War for the patients treated in the surrounding sanatoriums, this small chalet-like church is decorated with works by Jewish, communist, Christian and atheist artists. Fernand Léger's Litany of the Virgin mosaic, Georges Rouault's Saint Veronique, Jean Lurçat's Tapestry of the Apocalypse, and Chagall's Crossing the Red Sea bear witness to the vital impetus and desire for transcendence that each artist carries within him or her, whether or not they are religious. The CASA guides, who have been present in Assy since 1978, play an essential role, as visitors often forget in front of so many great names in art history that they are in a church.