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La Petite Sarrazine Festival

To all fans of Pop, Rock, Funk, Fanfare, Jazz, Metal, beer & unicorn: see you at the Plaine Tonique on the first weekend in July. It's a date for everyone to come and experience a moment of meeting, sharing and, above all, music.

The event is spread over two days, Friday July 5 and Saturday July 6, 2024. A total of 5 Pop/Rock bands (...) will be performing each day, making for two unforgettable evenings.

A bar and snack bar offering a maximum of products from the Bresse region will be present during the concerts.
Admission is free outside Plaine Tonique opening hours. Find out more on our social networks: Instagram (@lapetitesarrazine_festival) and Facebook on behalf of La Petite Sarrazine Festival.

Outdoor concerts
‣ Pop / Rock / Funk /Fanfare / Jazz / Metal / DJ ...
‣ On-site Bar & Snack Bar
‣ Security Assured
‣ First aid & prevention associations present
‣ Access by car with ample parking (think about carpooling)
‣ Bus line 150 during the day
‣ Greenway nearby
‣ More info on @LaPetiteSarrazine_Festival