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Capsule temporelle : participez à une création collective inédite !

As part of the Predictions exhibition, the Royal Monastery of Brou and H2M-espace d'art contemporain de la ville de Bourg en Bresse invite you to predict which everyday objects will have disappeared in 100 years' time!

What small everyday objects do you think will disappear in 100 years' time?

- from May 18 to June 18, 2024 (midnight), send us a photo
of an object in your hand to [email protected]

- on June 22 and 23 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., vote for your favorite objects*.
at the exhibition opening in Brou.
Does your object receive the most votes? Drop it off at H2M
to be included in the time capsule.

- on July 27 at 4 p.m., come to H2M to lay the time capsule
of the time capsule at the opening of the 2nd part of the exhibition!

*objects submitted for voting are subject to an initial selection by a professional jury.