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Festival Fleurs des Shan - Plants, mountains and Chinese medicine

Program (see attached pdf):
Tuesday, July 9 :
9h qi gong,
10am happy tummy workshop,
2pm Herbal Teas of the Five Movements workshop
20h45 wisdom of Chinese medicine

Wednesday July 10 :
9h qi gong
10am Storytelling walk Mysterious Chinese medicine
2pm Children's afternoon
8:45pm discover flower essences

Thursday, July 11 :
9:30am-3pm flower essences day at Plan d'aval
4pm baby massage
8:45pm Chinese language discovery

friday, july 12: 4-10pm alti zen salon

Carine Dannet and Isabella Obrist, two specialists in Chinese medicine Yu Wang, a Chinese language teacher also trained in Chinese medicine (TCM), and Marion Lett, ethnobotanist and Qi Gong teacher, met at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales' DU d'ethnomédecine.
Studying the Chinese language is fundamental to understanding the culture and ways of thinking of this age-old medicine. We all have in mind the drawing of Yin and Yang, but few people know the etymology of its sinograms. 陰 Yin is the ubac, the shady side of the mountain, while 陽 Yang is the adret, the sunny side. This explains why one cannot exist without the other.
Chinese medical thought considers the body, mind and emotions to be inseparably linked to the natural world around us. One day will be devoted to flower essences and the emotional properties of our mountain flowers, with a talk by Anne Lagière, naturopath and specialist in ancient medicine.
To put words into action, each day will begin with a Qi Gong practice, followed by various practical workshops (self-massage, balm-making, nutrition). Lectures on Chinese language, traditional medicine and flower essences will be held every evening at the Aussois CCAS, where the event will close on Friday 12th with the Alti'Zen salon.
There's no need to be a specialist, as the speakers are keen to pass on their knowledge to as many people as possible. Children will also be welcome: Wednesday afternoons will be devoted to storytelling, calligraphy, Qi Gong and a workshop on taming emotions.
Hoping to see you again this summer, the whole Fleurs des Shan team wishes you龙马精神 (Lóngmǎjīngshén), the vigor of the dragon and the horse.