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Refuge de la Loge

Guarded in summer and winter, it's ideally located on the GR9, close to the Lélex-Crozet ski area in winter and the alpine pastures in summer. Hosted by Cathy & Franck, enjoy an overnight stay, a break or a tasty meal on your way to the Crêt de la Neige. Respectful of the environment, we ask you to preserve the natural beauty that surrounds us.
When the refuge is full, evening meals are served over two courses.

The La Loge refuge is in the heart of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park and not far from the Haute Chaîne du Jura Nature Reserve. Visitors are asked to make a few efforts: dogs are not allowed, even on a leash, motor vehicles are not allowed, flowers should be admired in their freshness and not picked, garbage should be disposed of in a garbage can and not in nature...please respect these few rules.