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Chapel of John from Spain the Blessed

The Carthusian monks built a chapel in 1891 on the foundations of the first monastry of the XIIth century. However, John from Spain decided to move its community from its original location (located at the entrance of the Béol valley, former name of Le Reposoir valley) 1 kilometre farer, on a plateau, in the place where the current Carthusian monastry (the Carmel) stands nowadays, the first place was too narrow and threatened by the floods of the Foron.
It is at the end of the XIXth century that the Carthusian monks excravated the foundations of the original sanctuary. Two architects identified the roman architecture style of the XIIth century. It is in the very same style that the Carthusian monks built the current chapel in the honor of John from Spain the blessed.
Each year, on June 25th, anniversary of the death of the monk, the parishioners of the village, gather here in his memory.