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Historical center - Tournon sur Rhône

It is in 817 that we find the first written trace of Tournon, under the name of " Turnone", thus marking the beginning ot is official history. It was at this time that a rich family of lords later called " Comtes de Tournon" moved in. They will choose to install their fort on this granite rock overlooking the Rhone Valley. In 1308, the northern Vivarais was annexed by the Kingdom of France after having been Empire since the 11th century.
The seigneury of Tournon had a very extensive domain and enjoyed a great reputation throughout the region, among other things by the numerous offices that some counts could have left rich testimonies through various monuments such as the castle that stands today masterfully in the heart of the city. They beautifully embellished it from the 13th to the 16th century, the primitive construction of the castle dating back to the year 1000.
At the foot is the old towqn with the collegiate Church of St Julien, the Porte de Mauves once marking the southern limit of the city, one of the oldest colleges in France ( today Gabriel Faure High School), the Marc Seguin bridge: 1st bridge suspended by iron cables...
From a remarkable point of view, the Tours trail ( connecting the 2 old watchovers of the old ramparts of the 16th century), flanked by hillsides, or the viewpoint even higher with its orientation table where it is easy to contemplate the magnificent panorama of the Rhone Valley.
Very recently, the city has just inauguarated the " Chemin de l'Air", a path with small terraces to reach the Tours trail ( behnd the Tourist Office) accessible during the guided tours programmed by the TO).