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Church of St. Martin - Hauteville-Gondon

It was built in 1691 in the traditional layout with 3 naves and 3 bays with flat apses, but its originality lies in the small hexagonal steeple above where the chancel and the nave meet.
The sanctuary, which avoided being destroyed during the French Revolution, has an exceptionally rich interior decoration. Joseph-Marie Martel sculpted two of its altarpieces, which are now listed as Historic Monuments.
The main altarpiece, with its resplendent polychrome, depicts virtually the entire catechesis: the sources of faith evoked by the four Evangelists: Scripture, the Trinity, the Eucharist, the Incarnation and Redemption.
Behind the coloured tabernacle with its gilded monstrance, the central painting illustrates the Charity of St. Martin. He is surrounded by cherubs bearing the instruments of the Passion. On either side are two painted panels representing the Evangelists, framed by the statue columns of the four Fathers of the Latin Church.
The artist applied gold leaf to a red undercoat to give an optimum Baroque emphasis to the folds in the clothing, the curves and counter-curves, the plants, the body language and the movement.
Don't forget to check out the Rosary altarpiece, by the same artist. It exudes joy, as manifested by the numerous angels taking up virtually the entire surface. This heavenly court joyfully contemplates the fifteen episodes of the life of Mary, as evoked by the painted medallions, in the centre of which is a small painting of the Coronation of the Virgin.