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Carré Sciences : Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane exhibition space

"The little secrets of the universe", a permanent exhibition in a 120 m² fitted out space: the public discovers a sequence of themes ranging from the evolution of physics to that of our universe to current experiments and future projects.

Family visits are possible (more understandable for children over 10 years old).

The Modane Underground Laboratory was dug in the early 1980s in the middle of the Fréjus road tunnel. It is the deepest scientific site in Europe and was designed for fundamental research. It takes advantage of the 1700 m of rock that separates it from the summits to shelter it from cosmic rays. Its location makes it possible to measure sharp epiphenomena: (stability of the proton, neutrino, detection of the hidden matter of the universe... and very weak radioactivity.
Led by an international community of 200 scientists, the LSM is able to deal with subjects such as astrophysics, to better understand the origin of the universe, earth sciences, gamma spectrometry and dating techniques, as well as biology.