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Sainte Marie-Madeleine chapel, Nancroix

Restored by the School of Fine Arts by order of the city hall of Peisey, the parish and the association of the Vernettes friends:
The outside in 2007. The inside in 2009.
It found its original appearance which it had probably in the 17th century, when it was endowed.
You will find archives and explanations photos about its history and its renovation there.

Four elements are classified in the additional inventory of historic monuments.
On the apse: a picture representing Saint Marie-Madeleine.
Flowery motive and parrots embossed leather to the front of the altar.
Saint Jacques archbishop's and Saint Claude's statues
You will notice the beautiful wooden turned grate, the ceiling with flowery motives, painting tuff angel's head, the oculus in sun shape, the sundial, a wall Way of the Cross and other statuettes, the paintings, the crucifixes, the swiss pine cabinet.
The current bell tower dates the beginning of the 20th century and contains an old parochial bell of 1819.
Chapel opened during the tourist season thanks to the volunteers of the neighborhood.
The mass is celebrated several times a year.