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Groundhogs colony

In a valley, in the middle of alpine meadows, with an exceptional view of Les Saisies, Mont Blanc and the other surrounding massifs, you can observe them quietly without disturbing them from the path. This place is very easily accessible. You just have to walk few minutes (even with a stroller) via a wide path from the parking sous-Bisanne (on the road to Mont-Bisanne). You can also get there walking directly from Les Saisies via the alpine pastures trail.

Remember to take your binoculars to see them better. Many families of groundhogs live on site, so you are more likely than elsewhere to see them here. However they remain wild animals, when there is too much agitation, they hide quickly in their burrows. It is often easier to see them early in the morning.

Thank you to respect scrupulously the following instructions:
- Formal prohibition to feed them. They can die!
- Formal prohibition to approach burrows or to try to pet them.
- Thank you for staying on the trail to observe them.
- Stay discreet, do not scream, do not run ...
- As everywhere in the mountains (and in nature in general) please do not leave your garbage on site ...