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Cenise Plateau

The sectors of Cenise - Les Combes are rich in wetlands of heritage interest and include important wintering areas for black grouse, which take refuge there in winter to find the necessary rest during this period of slow activity . To limit the disturbance of these species in winter, be sure to stay in the already existing tracks and not to deviate from the main routes.

In order to guarantee the sustainability of the environments and species, which are very sensitive to disturbance and most of which are protected, but also in order to respect the work of the alpagists, it is our responsibility to be attentive to our practices and our behavior. Also, you are asked:
- Not to drive in a motor vehicle (except entitled persons), this is prohibited by the Environmental Code, in particular to avoid any type of disturbance;
- To stay on the marked paths, so as not to degrade the neighboring land and the fodder resource;
- Not to disturb herds and wild animals, to avoid any incident and harmful stress;
- To keep your dog on a leash, to avoid any incident with another animal or user;
- Not to pick the plants, most are protected;
- Not to bathe you (nor your dog), in order to preserve the habitat of aquatic species;
- To be discreet and to leave as few traces as possible of your visit, to avoid any disturbance;
- To apply the rules of the bivouac, which is only possible between 7 p.m. and 9 a.m., without fire on the ground (possible use of a stove).